Saturday, July 18, 2015

A dead parrot.

So when do I become a programming super saiyan? I'm already blond and blue eyed, perhaps it's when I reach Gabe status of physicality? I'm well on my way ‪#‎sittingdoesnotaskinnymanmake‬

I'm just excited, because I'm remembering so much of what I use to know and applying it. Ordered a new Zip Disk drive so I could grab my old FPS artwork from the 90's. Figured I'd make a free little demo game for GameJolt or something, using the old art assets from my High School project, since I've made a crude little sprite based FPS system. :P

Oh and I finished another crash course in C#... I learned nothing. So I guess that's good! The beginner courses have nothing new to show me, onto the intermediate! I took a course on Programming concepts, which is more about logic and theory rather than code. It was informative, but most of it was just review. I also did a quick 1 hour JavaScript course as a refresher. Yep, still know enough Javascript to be dangerous. :D

I'm currently 28 hours into my beginner to pro C# unity course called, "Learn To Code by Making Games".  It's 45.5 hours long and I have to say it's taught me a lot.  After that I'll be going into an 6 hours advanced C# Unity course and then a 3 hour course on procedural generation (since that seems to be all the rage these days).  

I'm happy to have the time to learn / re-learn all this stuff!  I'm just very worried about my future.

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